TWTG specialises in smart embedded electronics. They think about scalable solutions and mass production – from the very first sketch – so they understand how different things work together: materials, design, user interaction, software, hardware, business models, user testing – and much more.
TWTG product lines excel in their applications; Predictive Maintenance, asset Tracking, monitoring, and activation; all fully tailored to the key verticals: Industry, Safety, and Energy. They can supply hardware only, or create a complete end-to-end solution; everything along with a service model to support it.
TWTG is an ISO 9001-certified company with industrial grade solutions and a roster of international clients in industry and energy.
From closely packed industrial terminals to aiding in the smart grid transition, the technologies TWTG uses delivers performance as never before possible. It all works globally, is build to last, and redefines solutions for both existing as new problems. They can also configure our solutions with desired tailored features to dial in even more security and less risk.
The product lines NEON and LUCID are developed to answer these. As experts in I-IoT they have the relevant and detailed expertise to develop solutions for the core markets.
T-systems, Vopak