Eclipse IoT

Open Source for IoT

Eclipse IoT

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Eclipse IoT is an ecosystem of companies and individuals that are working together to establish an Internet of Things based on open technologies. Eclipse IoT provides the technology needed to build IoT Devices, Gateways, and Cloud Platforms.

The Eclipse IoT Working Group is an industry collaboration of companies who invest and promote an Open Source community for IoT.
Open source components for IoT Devices
• Eclipse Edje provides an high-level API for accessing hardware features provided by microcontrollers (e.g GPIO, ADC, MEMS, etc.). It can directly connect to native libraries, drivers, and board support packages provided by silicon vendors.
• Eclipse Paho provides an implementation of the MQTT protocol.
• Eclipse Wakaama provides an implementation of the OMA LWM2M standard.

Integrated IoT Gateway and Smart Devices stacks
• Eclipse Kura provides a general purpose middleware and application Container for IoT gateway services.
• Eclipse SmartHome provides an IoT gateway platform that is specifically focused on the home automation domain.
• Eclipse 4diac provides an industrial-grade Open Source infrastructure for distributed industrial process measurement and control systems based on the IEC 61499 standard. 4DIAC is ideally suited for Industrie 4.0 and Industrial IoT applications in a manufacturing setting. The IEC 61499 standard defines a domain specific modeling language for developing distributed industrial control solutions by providing a vendor independent format and for simplifying support for Controller to Controller communication.

IoT Cloud Platform Stack

The IoT Cloud Platform represents the software infrastructure and services required to enable an IoT solution. An IoT Cloud Platform typically operates on a cloud infrastructure (e.g. OpenShift, AWS, Microsoft Azure, Cloud Foundry) or inside an enterprise data center and is expected to scale both horizontally, to support the large number of devices connected, as well as vertically to address the variety of IoT solutions. The IoT Cloud Platform will facilitate the Interoperability of the IoT solution with existing enterprise applications and other IoT solutions.

Cloud stacks

Eclipse Kapua is a modular platform providing the services required to manage IoT gateways and smart edge devices. Kapua provides a core integration framework and an initial set of core IoT services including a device registry, device management services, messaging services, data management, and Application Enablement. The goal of Eclipse Kapua is to create a growing ecosystem of micro services through the extensions provided by other Eclipse IoT projects and organizations.

Eclipse OM2M is an IoT Platform specific for the telecommunication industry, based on the oneM2M specification. It provides a horizontal Common Service Entity (CSE) that can be deployed in an M2M server, a gateway, or a device. Each CSE provides Application Enablement, Security, Triggering, Notification, Persistency, Device Interworking, Device Management.

Open source components for IoT Cloud Platforms
• Eclipse Hono
• Eclipse Mosquitto
• Eclipse Leshan
• Eclipse hawkBit
• Eclipse BIRT
Solair, OmSense, E.ON, Noja Power
The IoT ONE Radar indicates a vendor's relative focus on hardware, software and services.
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